The Mission

The Keep Rolling Campaign (KRC) is a safe space for neighborhood residents and neighboring residents to feel heard and welcomed. KRC also has three core objectives: Cancer Awareness, Community Conversation, and Fitness.

Origins of the KRC

Origins of the KRC

The Keep Rolling Campaign was not planned and was not a business at first. Curtis E. Wilson, father of KRC founder DeAndre Wilson and an Evansville native, rolled his tire about the city of Evansville while he was battling stage 4 liver cancer and colon cancer. He was able to beat the colon cancer; but unfortunately, the liver was so far gone, he lost his battle after 18 months of refusing to go without a fight. Four years after his death, the concept of the Keep Rolling Campaign was born.

About the Campaigns

For 4 months out of the year, one nonprofit or family will be selected each month. The selection process is simple, contact DeAndre, but DeAndre normally just picks nonprofits at random. The entire month is dedicated to one nonprofit or family at a time. Campaigns can happen outside the five month period, but only by request.

Apply to be a Campaign Recipient

Current Campaign

We are getting ready for 2022!

See you in 2022!

© Keep Rolling Campaign 2022

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